Resistance Band Fitness Platform
Total Body Fitness Platform
Notice: This website is used for informational purposes, about the RBfitness platform. This is a startup company and manufacturing of this product will be in the near future. You can go to the "purchase now" tab. We are in the process of creating crowdfunding page fundraiser, using indigogo, for opportunity to contribute and receive product from initial manufactured product or contact me with any questions about the product.
The Resistance Band Fitness Platform is a unique total body workout system. It was designed for its ease of use, while still providing a quality workout. Utilizing resistance bands, this platform is capable of multiple exercises, at various positions and resistance, to provide a solid full body workout. When you have completed your workout, the platform was designed to be lightweight and compact for easy storage in your closet or under a bed. Finally, it was designed to be cost effective, so it would be affordable for everyone.
Full Body Workout
Perform 50+ exercises
Great for Stretching and toning
Great for all ages
Mobile Platform
Compact and Lightweight
Easy Storage
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